Amy you may have just celebrated your 4 year wedding anniversary, but I remember that today is the day Danny and yourself started dating 14 years ago!!!!! Oh my how time does fly.
Happy Anniversary my dear.
And a Happy Birthday to our friend Caleb today. The big 3!! Where or where will this year take you? So much you still have to learn, so much you will teach your sister. The world is awaiting, one step at a time.
And lastly, but certainly not least, a Happy Anniversary to our new friend: Caleb's Grandma: Adel and her husband Graham (spelling sorry). Married 40 years today. My oh my. As I was laying in bed last night thinking of this momentous celebration, I was thinking how nowadays you rarely hear of first marriages making it 10 years, let alone 40!! Our hats off to the two of you. I would like to say I hope to one day make this achievement, but lets be honest, I'm still testing the waters with Jules ;-) ;-)
What oh what does tomorrow bring us here on Tall Tree?
Daily posts (almost) of our life here on the Lane.
If we keep it simple, laugh frequently and smile often, our day was a successful one.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Caleb's 3rd B-day Party
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With Saturday's delightful weather and Mommy feeling better (from the tooth extraction), we took to the streets and headed to our friend Caleb's 3rd(!!!) birthday party. Much to our delight, the theme was Cars.
Below is a picture of the Birthday Boy and Matteo (sorry it was the best I could do--Matteo is still only 2 haha).
Below is a picture of the Birthday Boy and Matteo (sorry it was the best I could do--Matteo is still only 2 haha).
And I can't count on a single hand (though 2 or 3 hands may do) the number of times Matteo went over to view this poster. Laminated I was informed...oh lala :-)

And if you notice, to the right in the poster is a YELLOW CAR(!) who is that? Well Caleb's Grandma told us (which was later confirmed by Caleb himself) that is....... Leep Light year or something to that sorts (the two of them actually knew the name).
And now another rare photo of Mommy and Matteo :-)
And if you notice, to the right in the poster is a YELLOW CAR(!) who is that? Well Caleb's Grandma told us (which was later confirmed by Caleb himself) that is....... Leep Light year or something to that sorts (the two of them actually knew the name).
And now another rare photo of Mommy and Matteo :-)
Happy 3rd Birthday Caleb.
PS - I failed to mention the goody bag........overflowing (almost) with cars!!!! I think we may have counted 6 or 7! and cars stickers (bonus!). But to get back to the cars. Matteo came home and right away lines up the cars (as is typical). However Daddy was just about to point out that some of hte cars have a wrapper, hence chocolate inside, naturally mommy intervened and stopped him :-) So now even the chocolate covered cars are considered toy cars and get lined up just like the rest...that is until he tries to put them down our track (not so successful). I am just sure to put our "special" cars up high when we leave the house so that walter (dog) doesn't devour them.
Friday, May 29, 2009
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Babycation......I learned this new word while sitting in the doctor's office today as I didn't feel well and was having pains in my side (all is fine i was informed).
So a "Babycation" is what a couple takes BEFORE a baby is born, as in a month or two before baby arrives.
WHO has time for this? WHO has the money for this? Where are these people going---to tropical islands, casinos, spa get aways..........
what i'm thinking the whole time i'm astonished reading this is:
I'D LIKE A BABCATION......... yes and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I would like a babycation perhaps to the toilet for 3 mintues without someone sitting on my lap.
I WOULD LOVE a babycation............yes perhaps to shower without someone rolling around on the floor the whole time or opening the shower door........
WHAT I WOULDN'T do for a eat a meal without someone getting up 1/8 a way through the meal and saying "i sit on your lap...i really missed you" HOW ccan he miss me? we sleep together, eat together, walk together, use the toilet together, are simease twins except when he is riding his bike (then daddy takes over).
so DADDY if you are reading this....... mommy needs a babycation, but really i love the affection too much from my matteo to take one. However that tri-nightly footrub really hits the spot :-) thanks.
So a "Babycation" is what a couple takes BEFORE a baby is born, as in a month or two before baby arrives.
WHO has time for this? WHO has the money for this? Where are these people going---to tropical islands, casinos, spa get aways..........
what i'm thinking the whole time i'm astonished reading this is:
I'D LIKE A BABCATION......... yes and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I would like a babycation perhaps to the toilet for 3 mintues without someone sitting on my lap.
I WOULD LOVE a babycation............yes perhaps to shower without someone rolling around on the floor the whole time or opening the shower door........
WHAT I WOULDN'T do for a eat a meal without someone getting up 1/8 a way through the meal and saying "i sit on your lap...i really missed you" HOW ccan he miss me? we sleep together, eat together, walk together, use the toilet together, are simease twins except when he is riding his bike (then daddy takes over).
so DADDY if you are reading this....... mommy needs a babycation, but really i love the affection too much from my matteo to take one. However that tri-nightly footrub really hits the spot :-) thanks.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
be true....
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a saying that I frequently remind myself of:
be true to your teeth, or they will be false to you.
be true to your teeth, or they will be false to you.
a very wise saying, and VERY true. No one knows better than me (or exaggeration), how important good hygine is from an early age - hence I am sure Matteo brushes his teeth 2x a day and limit his sweet intake, etc. Our two downfalls: raisins and scobby snacks (the later is courtesy of Grandma! - - then again Scobby snacks typically come with Green Philmore, which tickles him....well, green).
So today, 2 years 7 months and some odd days, after birthing matteo and cracking a tooth a day later, Mommy had that tooth removed. Oddly enough for all this time I just figured it would heal itself :-)
Thanks to Sarah and Daddy who encouraged me to have it out before it got worse, however they failed to see my upset during all of this "should i have it out or keep it" .......the tooth fairy clearly has an age limit and I have more than exceeded it. Darn.
So remember next time you are too tired to brush at night:
Be true to your teeth or they will be false to you.
PS on a lighter note (FOR ME!) Daddy had to take Matteo to Mommy and Me!!! How this man does not come home with tears in his eyes is beyond me!!!!!! Personally I vote for him to do it every week.
So today, 2 years 7 months and some odd days, after birthing matteo and cracking a tooth a day later, Mommy had that tooth removed. Oddly enough for all this time I just figured it would heal itself :-)
Thanks to Sarah and Daddy who encouraged me to have it out before it got worse, however they failed to see my upset during all of this "should i have it out or keep it" .......the tooth fairy clearly has an age limit and I have more than exceeded it. Darn.
So remember next time you are too tired to brush at night:
Be true to your teeth or they will be false to you.
PS on a lighter note (FOR ME!) Daddy had to take Matteo to Mommy and Me!!! How this man does not come home with tears in his eyes is beyond me!!!!!! Personally I vote for him to do it every week.
Monday, May 25, 2009
BBQ Time!
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Back at Oma's house for a BBQ!!! However Matteo was S P O I L E D with 3 freeze pops and 1 ice cream. Disgusting I know, but Oma enjoyed spoiling him and needless to say Matteo didn't want to be rude and say no ;-)
And what visit with our cousins would be complete without a session of chasing Andrew? You see Jay J in the background playing his game, he was smart to stay out of it!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
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Sunday evening Mommy decided Matteo might enjoy going to a fair (and with 2 for 1 admission, who wouldn't?). So off we went.
How often do you get to feed a giraffe? Matteo didn't care mucch for it, but I think Daddy sure enjoyed himself. Ironically about 6 years ago we took Jay J to this same fair, and I think we have a similar picture, but Daddy doesn't remember.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
A new look
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So we decided to paint the dining room after all. Why not throw some caution to the wind??
Below is a picture of Daddy after having painted the PRIMER coat (not the actual paint, the color that goes UNDER it). Scary hu?
Below is a picture of Daddy after having painted the PRIMER coat (not the actual paint, the color that goes UNDER it). Scary hu?
Presto! Our new dining room color! Daddy worked hard all day painting, and it turned out ..... well takes some getting used to we both decided :-)
Friday, May 22, 2009
those who cut together.....
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stay together.
Last year at this time, Matteo didn't even have his first haircut and now that the weather is warmer, Mommy likes to keep it short, but long. (did you follow that?).

So above is a sideview of Matteo's hair.
And Daddy used to go once every 6-7 MONTHS! (kid you not). And below is Daddy's new short do (much to his dissatisfaction---but really who has to look at it?)
Last year at this time, Matteo didn't even have his first haircut and now that the weather is warmer, Mommy likes to keep it short, but long. (did you follow that?).
So above is a sideview of Matteo's hair.
And Daddy used to go once every 6-7 MONTHS! (kid you not). And below is Daddy's new short do (much to his dissatisfaction---but really who has to look at it?)
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The start of Memorial Day weekend began with a P A R T Y!!!!!
Believe me when I say, we never EVER travel after 5 PM. The most we will do is ride bikes outside or go for a walk, but taking out the car is almost a never ever! So imagine how nervious Mommy was when we had to drive over 1.15 Hours to a party on a Friday night (and Memorial day weekend no less!). However things worked out smoothly and we saw lots of family, friends and of course ate until we were stuffed and then took some goodie bags.
Below is a picture of Mommy starting week 32 (oh yes the countdown has begun). Let me tell you how dolled up I felt, DIAMOND BRACELET and I don't mean the cracker jack kind, I mean the diamond kind. and earings? Cost about $5 8-9 years ago, but oh how excited I was. (Sorry it's just when you've been in the same outfit for 3 days a week, then wash it, then rewear it, you get excited for that once a year dress up).
Unfortunately here Mommy had to use her Mommy voice to get Matteo to even TOUCH kimmy. I think that as adorable as she is, Matteo prefers the "big boys".
barney ???
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Apparently nesting to me means painting!!??
I"m considering painting the dining room purple as below.

What's so funny about this is Auntie once painted her kitchen purple and then REPAINTED it a normal color. However I think her purple was more Barney purple, whereas mine is not(?).
Perhaps it's just hormones!
I"m considering painting the dining room purple as below.
What's so funny about this is Auntie once painted her kitchen purple and then REPAINTED it a normal color. However I think her purple was more Barney purple, whereas mine is not(?).
Perhaps it's just hormones!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Farm Day
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As last Wednesday, and for two more (!!!) Daddy and Matteo ventured off to Mommy/Daddy & me at a local farm.
Below is Daddy and Matteo feeding Patrick the Cow.
Below is Daddy and Matteo feeding Patrick the Cow.
Now we have a tire swing in our backyard, but none as cool as the below. Look at the ease in which Matteo sits in it! Surely mommy is ready for a new any extra tires laying around?
And a movie of Matteo on the tire swing.....enjoy.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Our Hairy friend (punny!)
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Update on our mouse you ask? Well , , two were caught, via daddy (please forward your email comments to him) and thrown in the trash, however those were from the GARAGE!!!!!!!!!!! Why not put a mousetrap out in the forest DAddy ;-)
Still an adorable haircut :-)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Cheese! (cake)
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Haven't seen a picture of Daddy recently, so here Daddy and Matteo are enjoying some cheesecake!!!!!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
To the Farm!
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Today Daddy took Matteo to his first out of four farm programs for Mommy/Daddy and Me!

Today Matteo met a cow called Patrick...which I pointed out to Daddy..cows aren't TYPICALLY male....but Patrick is a male name.
Also Matteo met a 10 HOUR old Goat! He was offered to milk the Mommy, but he refused.
Today Matteo met a cow called Patrick...which I pointed out to Daddy..cows aren't TYPICALLY male....but Patrick is a male name.
Also Matteo met a 10 HOUR old Goat! He was offered to milk the Mommy, but he refused.
Song, snack planting seeds followed, all of which consisted of just Daddy and Matteo :-) Yes folks that is a HUGE SMILE ojn my face, although Daddy assures me Matteo listens to him when I am not around....surrrrreeeeeeeeeee Daddy, sure!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Hair today, gone tomorrow
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Despite what Mommy said last week after Matteo spilled a whole glass of OJ (watered down of course) on the floor because of all his friends on the table, clearly I am a mush and back they came!!! Left to right: small black kitty, Wingo (courtesy of Aunt Adrienne on Mother's day)NOTE: he is called "wingo" because he has a wing and we just got finished at Caleb's house a few days previous, black kitty, white kitty and Courious George.
And mid-day, Mommy's friend came over and offered to fix the butch job she had received the week previous. While not a "licensed beautician", she does cut her own hair and it turned out well. I have "style" "body" ....or at least that is what I pretend :-)
We seem to have alot of trouble with haircuts in this family.....?!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
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Happy Mother's Day!!!
Today we ventured off to visit Grandma (Mommy's mommy) and Gramps, along with our cousins and aunts.
Below is a picture of Mommy with her older sister Colleen, both mommies.
From Left to Right: Andrew, Jessie, Matteo and Jay J. And how does matteo play with each of them? Wrestles Andrew and touches his ears, wrestles Jessie (oh she is so petite, a little dolly), and I think not sure what to do with Jay J other than follow him around as Jay J can easily take him on.
And the reason we are all here to celebrate together: GRANDMA!
I hope your Grandma is as wonderful as ours always is.
Oh and Happy Anniversary to Grandma and Gramps: 39 years. I would have included a piccture of Gramps, but he is usually sleeping when visiting our family....haha 39 years, what were you thinking GRANDMA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Splish splash
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With all this rain that we have been having, what else is there to do but let a boy be a boy? (Although I do have to wonder if little girls would enjoy this activity too...or would they bring a mop to clean up the water--hah).
Anyway, this morning Matteo got all dressed, put on his rainboots and out in the puddles we ventured.!
Friday, May 8, 2009
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Today we enjoyed some playtime at our friend Caleb's house. Matteo was so very excited to go over Caleb's as he wanted to play with his cars and had been talking about his cars for a few days previous. And let me tell you Caleb's Mommy is WAYYYY cooler than me, as she knew the names of the cars that Matteo wanted to play with....and as I sit here typing all I can remember is there was a "t" at the end of it. So it was either PJ, TJ or MJ. And of course wingo.
A week later and not a day goes by that Matteo doesn't say at some point in the day he wants to go back to "Caleb's house"....aughhhhhh true friendship...or was it the toys? :-)
A week later and not a day goes by that Matteo doesn't say at some point in the day he wants to go back to "Caleb's house"....aughhhhhh true friendship...or was it the toys? :-)
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Here I am!
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Per popular demand (not really), here is Mommy 8 months pregnant!

Surely you don't think Daddy took this picture---DOOOOO YOUUU??? hhaaha. No silly, Mommy snuck in on Matteo's school picture as I wanted to memoralize this moment in my life with him and hence had a professional (la de da) take a few snap shots of us :-)
And this photo was also taken pre-Mommy's haircut, wherein the woman made me look like a boy, but since i'm never in front of the camera, you will not be privy to that headshot for quite some time --much to my satisfaction :-)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Meet George
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boy oh boy, if cousin andrew saw this picture, would he be mad (as he was upset with Grandma for gifting George to Matteo as opposed to him)!

Hence, wherever we go, George goes! Including, but not limited to: school, parks, and eating. Here, Matteo is sharing a Banana with George and Kitty - because I believe somewhere Kitties love bananas too :-)
Yes customary green shirt, as required by Matteo.
Matteo's new best friend this week is none other than curious george (see big monkey head at right).
Hence, wherever we go, George goes! Including, but not limited to: school, parks, and eating. Here, Matteo is sharing a Banana with George and Kitty - because I believe somewhere Kitties love bananas too :-)
Yes customary green shirt, as required by Matteo.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Rainy Day
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Well with all of the rain we've been getting soaked with, what else is a Mommy to do, but send her two boys outside to play in the rain?
Below is a picture of Matteo after playing in the rain with Daddy for over an hour.
CAN YOU BELIEVE IT--MOMMY GOT IN THE PICTURE TOO! Yes yes here I am 8 months pregnant.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
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A saying I keep in my head:
The simple life is the good life.
While we try to model our daily lives around this saying, sometimes "stuff" gets in the way. However when you get back in touch with that simplier side of life, it truly is the best way, at least for our family.
Here's to hoping "stuff" doesn't clutter your today.
Here's to hoping "stuff" doesn't clutter your today.
Friday, May 1, 2009
What a week!
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After 11 hours of work in 1.5 days Matteo, Mommy feels the same way.

Sorry for not returning calls, emails, etc. Mommy has been 1) dealing with a TWO YEAR OLD TODDLER, all the while reminding myself this too shall pass and 2) working. And yes Matteo is passed out cold in the picture above, that is one use for our reading chair I never thought I would see :-)
Sorry for not returning calls, emails, etc. Mommy has been 1) dealing with a TWO YEAR OLD TODDLER, all the while reminding myself this too shall pass and 2) working. And yes Matteo is passed out cold in the picture above, that is one use for our reading chair I never thought I would see :-)
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