This is what my brain felt like waking up today when, due to Matteo going to bed extra early Friday night, I watched 60 GRUELING minutes of wife swap? Why??? I can only say it was like a train wreck, you want to look away and Lord knows I kept turning off the TV, but I just turned it back on and kept watching. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE, why would anyone subject their family to that?
With the exception of Lost and Regis' phone call in the morning (if you never saw this man dial a phone, I urge you to tune in...you'd think it was the latest gadget) we don't watch TV anymore these days and shows like that make me glad :-)
Ohhhh I hate that show it's so dumb. The kids in both families are all messed up in some strange way!!! And the parents are always a hillbillie family and a richie family duh!!!