Surprise Surprise Grandma, Gramps and Cousin Andrew came for a visit today, much to EVERYONE'S DELIGHT!
Matteo loves acting out a bit when we have visitors, below you see Grandma and Matteo are playing together by Matteo's dollhouse.
However company doesn't stop Daddy from working. Below Daddy is spreadingg the mulch around.
And when Matteo bores of Grandma, he takes to tormenting poor Andrew, who really takes it quite well. Lets all say it together "poor Andrew."
And yes, here is Gramps hard at work helping Jules.

And no, Gramps didn't stay there ALL DAY, he went inside and took a nap on my red chair :-) haha.
Last, but certainly not least, it was Cousin Andrew's birthday, so we took him out to friendly's and had some yum yum, can you taste it, ice cream :-)
PS Always a funny story when you have two children together with ice cream under the age of 5 (he had yet to "turn"). Andrew's ice cream came with M&M's - matteo's favorite - so Grandma gave matteo ONE, not two - ONE of Andrew's M&M's ANDREW GOT SO MAD, HE PUSHED THE ICE CREAM AWAY AND DIDN'T WANT IT~!!!!! hahah. It was only when Auntie Pooh (me) offered to eat it did he change his mind :-) Oh so funny.