Our morning started out a bit difficult this morning, as it was Day 2 back at the Browers.
Note: Different table, same zip code as previous day.
You see, Jay J was upset because I told him he was not allowed to take his brother's batteries (then again there are two sides to every story and that is just my 100% correct verision of events). However, being the quick thinker I am and not wanting to send anyone off to school upset, I quickly woke up Uncle Jules (you may know him as Daddy), who helped Jay J find some songs on the computer and I think Jay J was then happy going off to school. Problem solved at the cost of Uncle's Jules' sleep....maybe Grandma is right, poor guy.
Note: Different table, same zip code as previous day.
Jules & I got a kick out of this. Oh to be a kid again. I bet this was the worst punishment for this little person (heheh I won't say who), but really, I could write this easily 25 times and not be affected...or is it effected.
And surprise surprise, guess who came to visit!! KATELYN! AND AMY. This was such a great help as it helped to entertain Kimmie who was feeling a bit more grumpy and I know Mommy enjoyed the adult conversation.
And here are our two gals! Great smile Amy, a million watts.

And so that was my first two days at the Brower house. Consisting of Kimmie being upset when 1) she needed a diaper change and 2) her mom called on the phone; 2) also consisted of Matteo pulling/biting/touching Andrew's ears; and lastly 3) of Andrew telling me each and every thing Matteo did that upset him. Is this a preview for what a household with more than one child consists of? Not sure, but we are scheduled to go back next week...and ironically Matteo kept asking Andrew to come home with him, to which Andrew agreed and Matteo keeps asking to go back. I'm sure the next thing will be when Kimmie talks, her asking ME to change her diaper. :-)
And in closing, a preview of just some of the fun times we had.....
tune in next week when we return to enjoy some more quality time together :-)
Oh to be young and learning to share.
tune in next week when we return to enjoy some more quality time together :-)
Oh to be young and learning to share.
A bottle?! Run, hide in shame!