I'm a Mrs.!
Daily posts (almost) of our life here on the Lane.
If we keep it simple, laugh frequently and smile often, our day was a successful one.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Soccer Sunday
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Soccer on Sundays is always a treat - especially when it is no longer at 9 AM, but rather 12:30 PM.
Poppi loves going to the games, seeing the little ones in action, etc.
Daddy was enlisted as a helper today as one of the coaches were out.
Love the below photo of Chloe May.
Remember Amy's robot I told you we put together yesterday - viola.
After a nice Italian lunch - of which my compliment from Poppi consisted of, "If I didn't see you make it I never would have believed you made it" (I'll take it!), it was a movie for three and Mommy & Daddy enjoyed some planting outside.
And a little snippet of soccer for your viewing pleasure. Matteo scored his first goal of the season, we were so glad to share our joy with Poppi.
And at the end of the day when the kiddies were tucked away - the talked turned to Italy and visiting same with grandparents - stay tuned!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
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Matteo pulled out one of his birthday presents for Poppi to help him with - Amy you gave it to us. A robot that required glue, painting and assembly. Well I enlisted Poppi for this project so Jules & I could stack the wood. Needless to say Poppi will never be the same. :-)
We love visitors, especially the grandparent kind.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Log splitting
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Having stayed out until 8:30 last night - in the rain and all - splitting wood with a log splitter - we enjoyed a leisurely morning at home. After school TGIF POPPI ARRIVED!! Let the fun begin.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Take your children to work day
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Today was Take Your Children to Work Day - Nationally.
Matteo was more than excited to go to work with Daddy - being awake and dressed by 6:30 AM (the awake that early is no big deal, but being dressed without walking around naked for 10 minutes IS a big deal).
With Daddy working from home, the commute was not that bad - and here they all are - nail biting, isn't it?
As Matteo says he wants Daddy to show him how me makes money using the computer and how the money comes out of the computer.
As since I truly am ignorant as to Daddy's job - I said at the end of the day perhaps Matteo can enlighten me as to what Daddy does.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
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That's right, we are more like the ant than the grasshopper, wherein we work early and rest later.
Gearing up for Winter 2013.
I failed to mention to Daddy I found wood - and well, he wasn't too happy when the truck pulled up with the wood. But his mood quickly lightened - as I have that effect on Daddy.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Dead tree
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We knew it was coming. This tree has been on its way out since the Fall (or perhaps earlier) it seems - and today we received the confirmation - "she" needs to come down.
She really is dead - and a danger to our children and house.
And something this large you know is going to be costly coming down. Yes, I am heartbroken. Jules says I often get attached to things that don't require my attachment.
Monday, April 23, 2012
5 1/2
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4:24 PM
Matteo - Age 1
Age 2
Age 3
Age 4
October 23, 2011
Happy 5 1/2 Matteo!!
Matteo: meaning - "gift from God" .
Five and a half years ago we had no idea the true meaning of Matteo's name. Today we understand and with each passing day we understand more and more just what a precious gift Matteo is.
Five and a half years ago we had no idea the true meaning of Matteo's name. Today we understand and with each passing day we understand more and more just what a precious gift Matteo is.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
soccer week 2
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Even with the drizzle, we still enjoyed a rousing game of soccer this morning.
Then because of the rain (which became heavier), we took in a movie at home with popcorn. The kids were excited and mom got to read more of her book while snuggling with everyone in bed. Topped off with a bubble bath for two and an early bedtime for all but Daddy. The week is starting off lovely.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
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Guess who called mid-afternoon to say they were coming for a visit?
GRANDMA AND GRAMPS!! Oh fun, we were tickled pink.
Though Grandma got a lesson in tree climbing (Matteo's new favorite outdoor activity - next to mud of course).
Based on her reaction, I don't think Grandma will be climbing trees anytime soon.
And finally - Happy Birthday to our Cousin Andrew - 8 years old today! Eight never looked so GREAT.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Summer fun
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Warm enough for sprinklers is always smile producing news! Chloe May on the other hand changed in and out of her bathing suit 3 times - never once allowing water to touch her.
And a park playdate with our pal Johnny produced this: not sure how Matteo received it because I only noticed it when bathing him that night.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
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Matteo is really enjoying soccer and understanding the positions, etc.
It feels so great to be part of a team and cheer your little one on!
And after soccer and the rush and energy we have - we were so fortunate to come home to spaghetti & meatballs with homemade spaghetti. Yum... And then Matteo & Jules enjoyed 4 rounds of chess - Matteo's new favorite game. Jules informs me Matteo is great for having just learned it from Uncle Rocco a few weeks back. Tell you what, he can beat me anyday - that's for sure.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
150 piece puzzle
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Today Matteo completed a 150 piece lenticular puzzle in about 2.5 hours. Just sat there, took an occasional break for water or a breath of fresh air. Jules, Chloe & I worked in the yard, waking it up from it's long but easy winters rest. I am beyond amazed at Matteo as I could not do a 25 piece lenticular puzzle. I wish I could freeze this moment in time.
And today - 9 years ago - we moved into our house here on the Lane. Nine years is a long time and so much has happened, it seems like yesterday and yet a lifetime ago - - how can that be? Either way congrats to Daddy & I.
And today - 9 years ago - we moved into our house here on the Lane. Nine years is a long time and so much has happened, it seems like yesterday and yet a lifetime ago - - how can that be? Either way congrats to Daddy & I.
Friday, April 13, 2012
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In lights of tomorrows anniversary, today we had a first for Jules & I. We ate LOBSTER. Never had I had lobster and dare I say it was most delicious. That's right we purchased him alive and did the whole nine yards. You see we are teaching Matteo that it is okay to kill an animal as long as you respect it and eat it (versus just gaming). Just when you thought Daddy & I were an old married couple, we enjoyed another "first" for us!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
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Today we took the kids to our Local Library (yes I do believe we make the most out of our tax dollars) where they had a man bring in reptiles - and let me tell you fantastic he was! We got thisclose to 1) a python, alligator, lizard bigger than a cat, boa constrictor, tree frog, and more! A great time by all, but dam forgot my camera!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
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Matteo soaked in the bathtub today for over 2 hours.... filled it so much Jules thought the ceiling might break, and refilled it numerous times. And during this time let me tell you I swept through Matteo & Chloe's shared closet and switched it from winter to spring/summer. A productive morning for chloe & \myself and Matteo enjoyed his scrub-a-dub-dub. Loving school recess and no where to go. No schedule, no appointments, just our own bliss.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Elephant and Piggie
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If I'm dreaming don't pinch me because I don't want to wake up.....today we met ELEPHANT AND PIGGIE!!! And we LOVE ELEPHANT AND PIGGIE!!!

Thank you Local Library.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Chilling at home
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Having had such a great weekend, but also busy, it was no wonder we used today to just chill. And chill we did. In our pjs most of the day.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
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Waking up at 6:30 on Easter - I asked the kids to please wait until 7 AM to get up as we were guests in someone's house.
But you know once we got up, the Easter Bunny had arrived.
Chloe May received a book that came with a phone/ipod - which has music that she loves. Matteo received a compass and both received puzzles appropriate for their age.
All dressed in our Easter best.
First stop you know is Grandma's house - where Chloe May soaked in Grandma and Gramps (as did Matteo).
And Matteo was more than delighted to spend a bit more time with Aunt Adrienne & Jesse.
Back at Nanny's house we were treated toa most delicious lasagna and lamb (sorry Peta it was yummy). But first, and I'm not sure why, the kids thought it best to climb trees in their Easter best.
After dinner we went on a SECOND Easter egg hunt with Nanny & Poppi.
Easter tells us that life is to be interpreted not simply in terms of things but in terms of ideals. ~Charles M. Crowe
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Road Trip
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Having been offered a bed and place to sleep so as to avoid rushing around on Easter - Jules and I decided to take his parents up on their offer to sleep over. We left early Saturday morning so that we could visit as much family as possible. We started by visiting Grandma and Gramps for about 30 minutes. Then we headed over to Nanny's for some lunch and outdoor play. Next stop, Uncle Rocco's - to drop off some stuff and visit his new house. Then over to Cousin Jessica's house where we stayed a good amount for some bike riding, games and Aunt Adrienne gave Mommy a nook (fancy!). And lastly back over to Nanny and Poppi's where Uncle Rocco joined us for a lovely dinner and always a game of cards. Needless to say when our heads hit the pillow that night we were out for the count. A joyous time by all and a lovely day indeed.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Egg coloring
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Coloring Easter Eggs with Daddy and Mommy today was a lot of fun (especially when it is followed by Daddy's delicious homemade pizza).
And the stakes are high when Matteo is becoming just as creative and artistic as Daddy is.
Though perhaps the eyeball egg was the best!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
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Today a neighbor asked me to watch her 4 1/2 year old daughter for 3 hours and take her to school at 1 PM (after I dropped Matteo off at his school at 12:45 PM) so she can go on a class trip with her other child. Well imagine my surprise when the mother calls me in a panic at 11:30 - saying her third child is sick at school - would I go and pick him up. Well of course you know I did. But what was really tender to me is when I took Matteo to school he broke down crying for about 5 minute upset because his friend had been sick at school and was not feeling well. Oh Matteo is so sensitive - what a Darling, he melts my heart. And at the end of the night Mommy collapsed in bed from all that running around.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Reading to Chloe May
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Matteo continues to read to Chloe May daily in the morning.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
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