our Dear Friend Caleb's 4th (!!) birthday party - hence free admission - great food and most importantly CALEB!

The party included a tour around the acquarium with a very nice young lady, a ride on something that went really high in the air, pizza, cake and many great friends whom we are getting to know more and more from seeing them at various parties.
What a great afternoon for all.
After the aquarium, we were invited to stay longer - an opportunity we took full advantage of.
Matteo waded in the river they have, full of lots of live animals...... which is pretty funny because when DAddy took Matteo in, right away Matteo pulled down his pants because he had to urinate...quicky Mommy pulled him out and took him to the bathroom (no we don't normally pee in pools)..however when Daddy HELD CHLOE in his arms, they said she was not allowed because she was wearing a diaper.....hm...... :-)

And we met a snow monkey up close!

As exhausted as we were, our day didn't end there.............