So today Daddy was good enough to insist on a Family Day...oh Daddy, you're so so sweet with really good intentions, but you had no idea what you were getting into :-) (read on).
Ok so what else to do on this festive fall day, but APPLE PICKING--- with a 7 week old and a 2 3/4 year old!! So after listening to poor Chloe cry in the car for 5 out of the 15 minute car ride - we arrived at the apple orchard...only to sit in the truck for about an hour while Mommy nursed, changed and try to fit Chloe and her sweater in the sling....MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, we are off to pick apples :-)
Below after all that Mommy and Matteo stopped to enjoy some of the "fruits" of our labor..apples!
Matteo had to get on Daddy's shoulders and reach up high for some of them as well....
and wouldn't you know it, Chloe got in on the action :-) First time apple picking Chloe, yes dear this is your year of 'firsts'.
And about a half hour of picking apples, eating apples and enjoying all the orchard had for us to enjoy, Matteo announced, "I have to do poopie" :-I.....wellllllllll okay Daddy where is the potty that is ALWAYS in Mommy's car..well still in Mommy's car --- and we have Daddy's truck. No problem we'll rough it and use the outhouse --except someone has stage freight :-) So Matteo wanted to go home and that is what we did, but first, we had to take a picture of what we picked, on our first family outting at the apple orchard - 9 apples :-)

Well at least you can't call us gluttons...and I think that Family Day will last Daddy well into 2010..i'm exhausted reliving it :-)
ps Amy we hope you are going to take Katelyn apple picking, you have some georgous orchards up by you!!!